Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The downsides of social media.....Jobs on the line?

Social media and the workplace

       By now it should be no surprise that social media can put one out of a job. Whether the post be a joke, an after hour image, or a heated rant the workplace can find it, and if they deem it inappropriate it could cost someone a job.  In fact, some companies actually ask the job hopeful to log into their facebooks during the interview. It catches them by surprise and really puts social media in perspective for them. Jennifer Preston author of the article Social Media Becomes a New Job Hurdle says that "it is photos and videos that seem to get most people in trouble." It appears that there are several pictures of weapons and many many images of drug use. There has even been mentions of inappropriate relations with minors.
  People of all ages should watch what they post online. It doesn't matter if they think it is a joke or if they are just angry and need to rant. Whatever is posted on social media never goes away. There is always a trace of it somewhere on the net. The article Hey, At Least You Can Be Virtually Immortal by J. Pedar Zane talks about the fact that nothing online actually goes away. There is always a trace of it.

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